Anti Semitism and the Holocaust
Nuremburg Laws
- 1933-39
- Anti-Jewish laws
- Forced to register and wear Star of David
- Forcing Jews out of careers and homes
- Prohibited marriage between Jews and Non Jewish Germans
- Finally loss of citizenship
- November 9 1938
- Jewish shops and synagogue windows that were smashed and burned
- Many Jews imprisoned
- State sanctioned event
- Josef Goebbels, propaganda minister, one of the most powerful men in the Nazi party
- Effected all aspects of German life
- Aryan Race
- Anti-Semitism
- Anti-Communism
- Lebensraum (living space in the east)
- Organized mass rallies for army and citizens
- Nuremburg night rallies the most famous
Aryan Race and the Final Solution
- Hitler's original idea as laid out in Mein Kampf
- Aryan (Nordic race) thought to be superior beings
- Jews made out to be universal scapegoats
- Originally Jews were sent to work camps to do manual labour
- July 1941 final solution --> extermination of the Jewish race as a priority
- Carried out by Einsatzguppen a special section of the S.S.
- Shooting and burying them wasn't fast enough
- Gas chambers became the popular
- Made famous in places such as Auschwitz
Hitlers brownshirts participated in the burning of the Reichstag which ultimately began a Communist Revolution (because Hitler blames a Dutch Communist.) Hitler also becomes Chancellor, forms the Gestapo and the March Enabling Act of 1933. The night of the long knives allows Hitler to receive 99.9% of votes.