The Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976
- All Maos idea
- Wanted to have a 'pure' form of communism
- Red Guards began openly criticizing the gov't officials
- Some people were upset about the following and were seen as targets
- Those who wanted to return to capitialism
- 'Specialists' - anyone who did not do manual labour were forced to work
- Anyone who disobeyed "Little Red Book" (Mao swimming in river)
- The Red Guard got so violent that the PLA had to restore order the Revolution ended by 1969
- Became Prime Minister in 1958 (Mao's second in command)
- Avoided disaster of the Cultural Revolution by ordering the PLA to put down Red Guard
- Under him "Going down" (getting your hands dirty) became a common part of Chinese life
- 'Barefoot Doctors' travelled the countryside bringing medicine and reporting on the status of the health
- USA recognized the Republic of China (Taiwan) as the true China until the 1970s
- Taiwan one of the 5 permanent seats on the UN security council
- Diplomacy began between USA and China after the US ping pong visited in 1971
- 1971 People's Republic took the seat on the UN security council
Mao swims down Yangtze River to try and inspire a new revolution because he wanted to have a 'more youthful' form of communism. This action dominated by youth (red scarfs and arm bands) which resulted in Little Red Book movement. Red Guards uprooted people and placed them into different jobs (like the Great Leap Forward) so when Zhou En-Lai became Prime Minister (Mao's second in command) the Guards became so violent the PLA came in and restored order (army initiated by Zhou) which ended by 1969.