Coup in Russia, 1991
Fall of the Soviet Union, 1991
- Gorbachev made a couple of major changed in 1990
- First was he introduced the 'rule of law'
- Felt that socialism could be achieved within a democratic state
- Second was the '500 day plan' dealing with that deficit
- Finally, the Union Treaty giving the republics more autonomy
- An attempted coup d'etat takes place in Aug. 1991
- He is saved by Boris Yeltsin who became the effective leader of the country
- Gorbachev became a lame duck leader and Yeltsin made the final step to outlaw the Communist party in the Russian Republic
- Dec. 1, 1991 an independence vote is held in Ukraine which voted in favour of independence
- Led to the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the end of the USSR
With the economy of the Soviet Union in shambles, and much of the country not wanting to be a communist nation anymore, the government had eventually crumbled and with it a new government had come to power. But through this, Soviet remnants had come and attempted to take the country back. However they were unsuccessful, which led to the fall of the Soviet Union.