October/November Revolution 1917
- The Kronstadt Mutiny
- Start - 20,000 armed sailors took control of Petrograd and demanded the Soviet take power
- Kornilov affair - The Bolsheviks are seen as defenders of Petrograd
- Kornilov threatened to attack the city (no support from own troops)
- Bolsheviks lead by Trotsky (military side)
- Lenin led the Petrograd uprising and it was bloodless
- Cruiser Aurora fired one blank shot at Winter Palace
- Winter Palace defended by Cossacks, Women's Battalion of Death and cadets
The October (November) Revolution started by 20,000 armed sailors taking control of Petrograd and demanding that the Soviet take power. The Bolsheviks were then considered the defenders of Petrograd. Although he had no support from his own troops, Lavr Kornilov still threatened to attack the city. The Bolsheviks were lead by Trotsky and Lenin led the Petrograd uprising. Fortunately, it was bloodless and it gave power to the soviets.