Deng Xiaoping takes over, 1978
- Tried to assure Taiwanese that if they rejoined China they would still have autonomy
- Doesn't happen but trade increases between the two
- 1987 Taiwan lifts its ban on travel to the mainland
- Also pushed for reunification of Hong Kong (Xianggang)
- This happens in 1997 and it becomes a Special Administrative Region (SAR)
- Coming to power in 1979 institutes agricultural reforms
- Encouraged farmers to sell on the open market
- Also allowed for the contracting of plots of land (excess profits could be kept) 'productive responsibility system'
- China accepted loans and foreign investments
- Joined the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and The World Bank
- The single child policy introduced in 1979
- Tax benefits to families who accepted this (some lost their private plots of land)
- Marriage law brought in 1980 (confirmed the women and raised age of marriage M:20-22 F:18-20)
Deng Xiaoping came into power after Mao's death and changed China. He tried to build relationship with Taiwanese (didn't work) and trade occurs between the two (families could see each other who were split before), also he initiated a reunification with Hong Kong in 1997 therefore becoming a Special Administrative Region SAR. He also introduced the single child policy in 1979 (solution to overpopulation).