History 12
Paris Peace Treaty
Paris Peace Treaty Blog
Motives of the USA
Motives of France
Motives of Great Britain
"The Big Three"
Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points
The War Guilt Clause
Nationalism & Formation of New Countries
War Reparations
The Treaties with Lesser Powers
League of Nations (Collective Security
Russia 1919-1945
Russia Blog
Abdication of the Tsar, Feb./March Revolution 1917
The Provisional Government
The Bolsheviks
October/November Revolution 1917
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 1918
Vladimir Lenin
Russian Civil War 1919-21
War Communism
Lenin’s Death and the Power Struggle Leon Trotsky vs. Josef Stalin “Socialism in One Country”
Industrialization, 5 year plans 1928-1941
Show Trials and the Great Purges
Nazi-Soviet Non Aggression Pact
Operation Barbarossa
USA 1920s & 30s
USA Blog
A Consumer Society
Henry Ford, Assembly Lines and the Model T
The Washington Naval Conference, 1921
The Dawes Plan, 1924
The Young Plan, 1929
Buying on the Margin
Black Tuesday, October 22, 1929:Stock Market Crash
Herbert Hoover and Hoovervilles
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 100 Days
The New Deal
Alphabet Agencies
Fireside Chats
John Maynard Keynes
Europe 1920s & 30s
Europe Blog
The Weimar Republic
The Maginot Line
The Beer Hall Putsch (Munich Putsch) and Mein Kampf
Mussolini and the Rise of Fascism
Locarno and Kellogg-Briand Pacts
Gustaf Stresemann and The Dawes Plan
Early Acts of Appeasement
Final Acts of Appeasement
The Spanish Civil War
Hitler and the Rise of Nazism
Anti Semitism and the Holocaust
Tina's Weebly
Early Cold War 1963-1991
Early Cold War Blog
The Cold War
Changes in the USA Gov't after World War II
Buffer Zones and Satellite States
The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
1948 Coup in Czechoslovakia
The Berlin Blockade/Airlift 1948
NATO and Warsaw Pact
The Korean War, 1950-53
Nikita Krushchev and De-Stalinization
Eisenhower Doctrine
The Hungarian Uprising, 1956
The Space Race and Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM’s)
The Rise of John F. Kennedy
The Berlin Wall, 1961
The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, 1963
Late Cold War 1963-1991
Late Cold War Blog
Ho Chi Minh and Vietcong
The Gulf of Tonkin and the Vietnam War
The Leonid Brezhnev Era
Lyndon B. Johnson
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
Czechoslovakia, 1968
Richard Nixon and Detente
Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT) I and II 1972, 1974
The Helsinki Accords, 1975
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, 1979
Ronald Reagan
Star Wars and Strategic Defense Initiative
Mikhail Gorbachev
Perestoika and Glasnost
The Falling of the Berlin Wall, 1989
Coup in Russia, 1991
China 1919-1991
China Blog
Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang
The Chinese Communist Party
The Japanese and Manchuria
The Stimson Doctrine
The Long March, 1934
Mao Tse-Tung (Zedong)
Chinese Civil War, 1946-1949
The Korean War and Yalu River
The Great Leap Forward, 1956
The Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976
Mao dies, 1976
Deng Xiaoping takes over, 1978
Special Economic Zones
Tiannamen Square, 1989
Middle East 1919-1991
Middle East Blog
French and English Mandates
The Balfour Declaration, 1917
The Israeli War of Independence, 1948
The Suez Crisis, 1956
The Six Days War, 1967
The Yom Kippur War, 1973
Anwar Sadat
The Camp David Accords, 1978
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
The Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988
Yasser Arafat
Saddam Hussein
Kuwait and the Gulf War, 1991
Civil Rights, Women's Rights, India & South Africa
Civil Rights, Women's Rights, India & South Africa Blog
Badges & Awards
For this unit, I did my project with tina picles!